Tuesday, January 19, 2010

1/16 & 1/18


Press 118x5-133x5-149x4

3x12 GHD Sit-ups (still sore today)

4 rounds of: 5 Power snatches @135#/10 burpees


Chained the first two rounds of the metcon. Don't know if I could have gone much faster on the snatches, burpees were paced until the last round.


Press 102x5-118x5-133x8

15 Negative Handstands

3 rounds of: 10 CTB's/10 Front Squats @165#/10 burpees


Other than the fact that I let Chris beat me on this, I was pretty happy with the results. Last year at Regionals this took me 7:11, and I felt absolutely wrecked for a solid half hour. Doing this sub 5 felt really good. I could have pushed harder on the first couple rounds in retrospect, but I had that memory of how bad I got my ass kicked by this one last time. Feels good to perform a bodyweight dominant workout that much faster, considering I'm at least 20# heavier than I was last year. CTB's were relatively fast for me. Squats were unbroken and surprisingly easy. Burpees were easily the slowest part of the workout.

1 comment:

  1. good stuff coach...i need too be at the box while you are crushing these wods.
