Friday, January 22, 2010

1/22 Shoulder pain and lung burn

Bench Press 143x5-165x5-187x8

Left anterior deltoid was a little tight going into this workout. I tried to see if I could get through it. It felt fine at the lighter weights, but once I got about 4 reps on on the last set it felt weak. Could have gotten 3-5 more had it been healthy, but I had to cut it short. Cut the push-ups out of the WOD too. Going to have to be smart about continuing to train with it right now. It's really frustrating because pressing is still a major weakness of mine, and it has been getting better.


21-15-9 of:
Sumo Deadlift High Pull 70#
Push Press 70#
500 M Row


This workout had me as scared as any we've done this week. Mostly because I knew that I had to do it around 3:30 minutes to put up a good time. I did this by myself before the 4:30 crew tonight. Usually I have someone joining me on my pre-class WOD's, but this had to be total internal motivation. Managed to do the 21-15-9 fast and unbroken, which was the goal. Rowed a 1:39. Was shooting for a 1:35, but decently happy with the result. Took close to 40 minutes before I was back to normal after this one.

1 comment:

  1. I witnessed that 3:34 buddy and you looked solid throughout! Keep up the badassness! and be ready for Midnight Madness cause its coming soon!
